Paper Friends
Not a definite list of all papertoy designers out there, but a selection of friends, designers I've collaborated with and designers I admire for their brilliant work.
Other Friends and Collaborations
Here's a few of my seriously talented friends, people I had the pleasure of working with, and some people I did collaborations with.
Paper Blogs
A selection of blogs that are dedicated to papertoys, papercraft or regularly feature papertoy related news.
Customs I have done
A selection of customizations I have done of the blank models created other papertoy designers. These models have been on display at several gallery shows and are available for download at the artist websites.
Old Models and Foldskool Heroes customs by other designers
They always say, just show a selection of your work on your site that best represents you. Unfortunately some of my old models didn't make it. But there's always some die-hard fans looking for every single model I created. The first downloadable archive contains most of my old models and a few surprises. The second downloable archive contains the full collection of Foldskool Heroes customs created by other designers.